S85 S/S Recycling Waste Container 不鏽鋼回收桶
S84A S/S Recycling Waste Container 不鏽鋼回收桶
S84A 不鏽鋼回收桶
S84A S/S Recycling Waste Container 不鏽鋼回收桶
S84 S/S Recycling Waste Container 不鏽鋼回收桶
S84 不鏽鋼回收桶, 噴漆
S833 S/S Recycling Waste Container 不鏽鋼回收桶
EK-833 不鏽鋼回收桶
S833 S/S Recycling Waste Container 不鏽鋼回收桶
S83 S/S Recycling Waste Container 不鏽鋼回收桶
S83 不鏽鋼回收桶
EC060-21 Eco Nexus® 60 Mixed vegetables Recycling Waste Container 廚餘回收桶
EC060-21 Eco Nexus® 60 Mixed vegetables Recycling Waste Container 廚餘回收桶
1ORBBL02 Orbis™ General Waste Sack Holder with Gray lid/boby, & wall mount kit
Model: 1ORBBL.021ORBBL02 Orbis™ General Waste Sack Holder with Gray lid/boby, & wall mount kit
1NE50PB-BS-04 Nexus®50 Plastic Bottle Recycling Waste Container 塑膠瓶回收桶
50升 塑膠瓶回收桶 1NE50PB-BS-04 Nexus®50 Plastic Bottle Recycling Waste Container 塑膠瓶回收桶
1NE50PA-BS-P1 Nexus®50 Paper Recycling Waste Container 紙張回收桶
50升 紙張回收桶1NE50PA-BS-P1 Nexus®50 Paper Recycling Waste Container 紙張回收桶
1NE50GW-BO-M2 Nexus®50 General Waste Recycling Container 50升 廢物回收桶
50升 廢物回收桶 1NE50GW-BO-M2 Nexus®50 General Waste Recycling Container 50升 廢物回收桶
1NE50GB-BS-04 Nexus®50 Glass Bottle Recycling Waste Container 50升 玻璃瓶回收桶
50升 玻璃瓶回收桶 1NE50GB-BS-04 Nexus®50 Glass Bottle Recycling Waste Container 50升 玻璃瓶回收桶
1NE50CA-BO-06 Nexus®50 Can Recycling Waste Container 罐頭回收桶
50升 罐頭回收桶 - 英國製造1NE50CA-BO-06 Nexus®50 Can Recycling Waste Container 罐頭回收桶
1NE100GW-BS-M2 Nexus®100 General Waste Recycling Container 100升 廢物回收桶
100升 廢物回收桶 1NE100GW-BS-M2 Nexus®100 General Waste Recycling Container 100升 廢物回收桶
1GNS01-01 Nexus Shuttle Catering Waste Recycling Container 食物廢料回收桶
Color: Hood: Dark Blue Plinth: Dark Gray1GNS01-01 Nexus Shuttle Catering Waste Recycling Container 食物廢料回收桶
1GN130-02 Nexus 130 Trio Recycling Waste Container 環保回收桶
(Made in UK)
130升回收桶(英國製造)1GN130-02 Nexus 130 Trio Recycling Waste Container 環保回收桶
1EC061-21 Eco Nexus® 60 Mixed vegetables Recycling Waste Container 廚餘回收桶
1EC061-21 Eco Nexus® 60 Mixed vegetables Recycling Waste Container 廚餘回收桶
1EC060-26 Eco Nexus® 60 Can Recycling Waste Container 罐頭回收桶
Model: 1EC060.26
1EC060-26 Eco Nexus® 60 Can Recycling Waste Container 罐頭回收桶
1EC060-23 Eco Nexus® 60 Confidential Paper Recycling Waste Container 廢紙回收桶
Model: 1EC060.23
1EC060-23 Eco Nexus® 60 Confidential Paper Recycling Waste Container 廢紙回收桶
120L OKE Recycling Waste Container w/ front pedal Set 塑膠環保回收桶內置前踏腳
Lid: Yellow, Blue, Brown, Body: light gray
Origin: Korea
120L OKE Recycling Waste Container w/ front pedal Set 塑膠環保回收桶內置前踏腳
120L OKE Recycling Waste Container w/ front pedal Set 塑膠環保回收桶內置前踏腳
Lid: Green Brown, Yellow, Blue, Body: light gray
Origin: Korea
120L OKE Recycling Waste Container w/ front pedal Set 塑膠環保回收桶內置前踏腳
10H120.345 120L Recycling Waste Container Set 塑膠環保回收桶
120升 塑膠環保回收桶
Model: 10120H.34510H120.345 120L Recycling Waste Container Set 塑膠環保回收桶
10A70B1345 A70 Plastic Recycling Waste Container Set 塑膠環保回收桶
(A70 塑膠環保回收桶 (雲石灰色桶身))10A70B1345 A70 Plastic Recycling Waste Container Set 塑膠環保回收桶
10A70A345 A70 Plastic Recycling Waste Container Set 塑膠環保回收桶
(A70 塑膠環保回收桶 (顏色桶身))10A70A345 A70 Plastic Recycling Waste Container Set 塑膠環保回收桶