1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶

Glasdon, Outdoor Litter Bin, Topsy 2000 110L easy emptying, no need for strenuous lifting
(Made in UK)
110升 戶外直立式垃圾桶 (英國製造)
Model: 1G2000.03 (Light blue), 1G2000.D3 (Dark blue), 1G2000.D1 (Deep green)
Hood: Dark Blue Plinth: Dark Gray
Color choices:
Hood: Bright Red, Yellow, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Light Green, Deep Green, Black, White, Light Gray.
Plinth: Dark Gray

Home / Shop / Waste Containers / Standing Bin 直立式立圾桶

1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶

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1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶
1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶
1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶
1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶

Home / Shop / Waste Containers / Standing Bin 直立式立圾桶

1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶

Model Number: 1G200003
Topsy 2000 Light blue
Hood: Dark Blue Plinth: Dark Gray
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Manufacturer: Glasdon
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Glasdon, Outdoor Litter Bin, Topsy 2000 110L easy emptying, no need for strenuous lifting
(Made in UK)
110升 戶外直立式垃圾桶 (英國製造)
Model: 1G2000.03 (Light blue), 1G2000.D3 (Dark blue), 1G2000.D1 (Deep green)
Hood: Dark Blue Plinth: Dark Gray
Color choices:
Hood: Bright Red, Yellow, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Light Green, Deep Green, Black, White, Light Gray.
Plinth: Dark Gray

Size (mm): 545Dia x 1000H
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1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶
1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶
1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶
1G200003 Topsy 2000 Standing bin 直立式垃圾桶