Taiya Company Ltd

OKE 660L Mobile Garage Bin (MGB), Sales reference 2024

Green color

Item Code: 10K660.01
  1. Amiata Industrial Building (萬美達工業大廈)
  2. Bellevue Court(碧蕙園)
  3. Beneville (聚康山莊)
  4. Caribbean Square (映灣薈商場)
  5. Central Mail Centre (中央郵件中心)
  6. Charming Garden (富榮花園)
  7. Cheung Muk Tau Holiday Centre for the Elderly (樟木頭長者度假中心)
  8. City University of Hong Kong (香港城市大學)
  9. Clifford Centre (香港中心)
  10. Cosmos (宇宙)
  11. Cyberport 2 (數碼港二座)
  12. Dragon Centre (西九龍中心)
  13. Enterprise Square (企業廣場)
  14. Ew Interational Tower (安泰國際中心)
  15. Farm Road 18 (農圃道18號)
  16. Fortune City One (置富第一城)
  17. Fullview Garden (富景花園)
  18. Fu Tung Plaza (富東廣場)
  19. Government Logistics Department (政府物流服務署)
  20. Grandeur Garden (金禧花園)
  21. Greenwood Terrace (康翠臺)
  22. Hanley Villa (恆麗園)
  23. Hin Keng Estate (顯徑村)
  24. Hing Tung Shopping Centre (興東商場)
  25. HK Gold Coast Phase 1, 2 (黃金海岸1,2期)
  26. HK Disneyland (香港迪士尼樂園)
  27. HK Housing Authority (房屋委員會總部)
  28. HK Institute of Vocational Education Tuen Mun (香港專業教育學院)
  29. Island Resort (藍灣半島)
  30. King Lam Street 83 (瓊林街83號)
  31. Kwong Sun Hong Godown (廣新行貨倉)
  32. Kwun Tong Industrial Centre (觀塘工業中心)
  33. Mansion House (文遜大廈)
  34. Lok Yuen Hip Wo Street (樂園魚旦專家 協和街)
  35. Mecco Industrial Bldg (美高工業大廈)
  36. Metropole Building (新都城大廈)
  37. New Commerce Centre (匯貿中心)
  38. Noble Square (華貴坊商場)
  39. Ping Hay House (平熙樓)
  40. Po Hei Court (寶熙苑)
  41. Rambler Plaza (藍澄灣商場)
  42. Regentville (帝廷軒)
  43. Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (香港遊艇會)
  44. Saxon Tower (西頓中心)
  45. Shek Kong Barracks(石崗軍營)
  46. Shield Industrial Centre (順豐工業中心)
  47. Staunton Street (士丹頓街)
  48. San Tin Barracks (新田軍營)
  49. San Wai Barracks(新圍軍營)
  50. Summit Terrace (翠豐臺)
  51. Tam Mi Camp (潭尾軍營)
  52. Wang Lung Industrial Building (宏龍工業大廈)
  53. Woodland Crest (奕翠園)
  54. T-Loft@Lok Wo (樂和‧東寓)
  55. The Beverly Hills (比華利山別墅)
  56. The Pacifica Mall (宇晴匯)
  57. The Whampoa (黃埔新天地五期)
  58. Yat Tung Shopping Centre (逸東商場)
  59. Yau Tong Centre (油塘中心)
  60. Yiu Tong Shopping Centre (耀東商場)
  61. The Sea Crest (嘉悅半島)
  62. Valiant Industrial Centre (威力工業中心)

There are more than above listed