Item Code: 10K660.01
- Amiata Industrial Building (萬美達工業大廈)
- Bellevue Court(碧蕙園)
- Beneville (聚康山莊)
- Caribbean Square (映灣薈商場)
- Central Mail Centre (中央郵件中心)
- Charming Garden (富榮花園)
- Cheung Muk Tau Holiday Centre for the Elderly (樟木頭長者度假中心)
- City University of Hong Kong (香港城市大學)
- Clifford Centre (香港中心)
- Cosmos (宇宙)
- Cyberport 2 (數碼港二座)
- Dragon Centre (西九龍中心)
- Enterprise Square (企業廣場)
- Ew Interational Tower (安泰國際中心)
- Farm Road 18 (農圃道18號)
- Fortune City One (置富第一城)
- Fullview Garden (富景花園)
- Fu Tung Plaza (富東廣場)
- Government Logistics Department (政府物流服務署)
- Grandeur Garden (金禧花園)
- Greenwood Terrace (康翠臺)
- Hanley Villa (恆麗園)
- Hin Keng Estate (顯徑村)
- Hing Tung Shopping Centre (興東商場)
- HK Gold Coast Phase 1, 2 (黃金海岸1,2期)
- HK Disneyland (香港迪士尼樂園)
- HK Housing Authority (房屋委員會總部)
- HK Institute of Vocational Education Tuen Mun (香港專業教育學院)
- Island Resort (藍灣半島)
- King Lam Street 83 (瓊林街83號)
- Kwong Sun Hong Godown (廣新行貨倉)
- Kwun Tong Industrial Centre (觀塘工業中心)
- Mansion House (文遜大廈)
- Lok Yuen Hip Wo Street (樂園魚旦專家 協和街)
- Mecco Industrial Bldg (美高工業大廈)
- Metropole Building (新都城大廈)
- New Commerce Centre (匯貿中心)
- Noble Square (華貴坊商場)
- Ping Hay House (平熙樓)
- Po Hei Court (寶熙苑)
- Rambler Plaza (藍澄灣商場)
- Regentville (帝廷軒)
- Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club (香港遊艇會)
- Saxon Tower (西頓中心)
- Shek Kong Barracks(石崗軍營)
- Shield Industrial Centre (順豐工業中心)
- Staunton Street (士丹頓街)
- San Tin Barracks (新田軍營)
- San Wai Barracks(新圍軍營)
- Summit Terrace (翠豐臺)
- Tam Mi Camp (潭尾軍營)
- Wang Lung Industrial Building (宏龍工業大廈)
- Woodland Crest (奕翠園)
- T-Loft@Lok Wo (樂和‧東寓)
- The Beverly Hills (比華利山別墅)
- The Pacifica Mall (宇晴匯)
- The Whampoa (黃埔新天地五期)
- Yat Tung Shopping Centre (逸東商場)
- Yau Tong Centre (油塘中心)
- Yiu Tong Shopping Centre (耀東商場)
- The Sea Crest (嘉悅半島)
- Valiant Industrial Centre (威力工業中心)
There are more than above listed